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Learning on Promotion of SMEs in ICT for Asia, JAPAN   


  :: Training course on "Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises in Information
     and Communication Technology for Asia"
from February 14th to March 6th, 2010
in Okinawa Island, JAPAN.

  :: - Feb 14th, 2010 : Arrival in Okinawa Island, Japan
     - Feb 15th, 2010 : Opening Ceremony & Course Orientation
     - Feb 16th to
       Mar   5th, 2010 : Lecture, Observation, Evaluation Meeting & Closing Ceremony
     - Mar   6th, 2010 : Departure from Okinawa Island, Japan

  :: Page 8: Number of picture, 127-144 of 195.


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Entrance Hallway
Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum
Itoman City, Okinawa
Island, JAPAN
March 2nd, 2010  2:25 PM


Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum
Itoman City, Okinawa
Island, JAPAN
March 2nd, 2010  3:29 PM


Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum
Itoman City, Okinawa
Island, JAPAN
March 2nd, 2010  3:47 PM


Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum
Itoman City, Okinawa
Island, JAPAN
March 2nd, 2010  4:06 PM

Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum
Itoman City, Okinawa
Island, JAPAN
March 2nd, 2010  4:20 PM


Nakamura House
106 Oshiro Aza Kitanakagusuku
Island, JAPAN
March 3rd, 2010  9:41 AM


Nakamura House
106 Oshiro Aza Kitanakagusuku
Island, JAPAN
March 3rd, 2010  10:19 AM


Nakamura House
106 Oshiro Aza Kitanakagusuku
Island, JAPAN
March 3rd, 2010  10:20 AM


Nakamura House
106 Oshiro Aza Kitanakagusuku
Island, JAPAN
March 3rd, 2010  10:22 AM


Nakamura House
106 Oshiro Aza Kitanakagusuku
Island, JAPAN
March 3rd, 2010  10:26 AM


Nakamura House
106 Oshiro Aza Kitanakagusuku
Island, JAPAN
March 3rd, 2010  10:33 AM


Nakamura House
106 Oshiro Aza Kitanakagusuku
Island, JAPAN
March 3rd, 2010  10:35 AM


Nakamura House
106 Oshiro Aza Kitanakagusuku
Island, JAPAN
March 3rd, 2010  10:36 AM


Nakamura House
106 Oshiro Aza Kitanakagusuku
Island, JAPAN
March 3rd, 2010  10:36 AM


Nakamura House
106 Oshiro Aza Kitanakagusuku
Island, JAPAN
March 3rd, 2010  10:37 AM


Nakamura House
106 Oshiro Aza Kitanakagusuku
Island, JAPAN
March 3rd, 2010  11:01 AM

Nakamura House
106 Oshiro Aza Kitanakagusuku
Island, JAPAN
March 3rd, 2010  11:13 AM


Nakamura House
106 Oshiro Aza Kitanakagusuku
Island, JAPAN
March 3rd, 2010  11:14 AM


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     These pictures are in training course on "Promotion of
SMEs in Information and Communication Technology for Asia" from February 14th to March 6th, 2010
in Okinawa Island, JAPAN.

     Government organizations in charge of SMEs development policies or of SMEs supporting organizations, and government organizations in charge of policies or facility improvement for the promotion of ICT.

     This program aims to share Japanese knowledge and experience in the SMEs development, to understand important features of SMEs in Japan and effective ideas to strengthen local SMEs development.

     This training course to be conducted by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

     Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos PDR, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam will be invited;
3 persons from Cambodia, 3 persons from Indonesia, 3 persons from Laos PDR,
2 persons from Malaysia, 2 persons from Thailand and 2 persons from Viet Nam.

     The Participants List:

     + From Cambodia

          1. Ms. SOUR Bunmarya, Vice Chief of Handicrafts Office
              Small Industry and Handicraft Department, General Department of Industry
              Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy

          2. Ms. SOUR Bunmarina, Official of Small Industry and Handicraft Department
              General Department of Industry. Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy
          3. Mr. PREM Amnath,
Officer of Personnel Department
              Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy

     + From Indonesia

          1. Mr. SITUMORANG
Sutan Sinar, Head of Telecommunication and Multimedia
              Directorate of ICT Technology -- Sub Directorate of Program and Reporting
              Ministry of Industry

          2. Mr. KUSWARDANA Irvan, Head of Metalworking Industry Development
              Directorate of Metalworking and Electronics Industry
              DG of Small and Medium Industry, Ministry of Industry

          3. Mr. SIDJABAT Christoforus Ferry, Staff of Telecommunication and Multimedia
              Directorate of ICT Technology -- Sub Directorate of Program and Reporting
              Ministry of Industry

      + From Laos PDR (People's Democratic Republic)

          1. Mr. PHOUTTHABANDID Udone, Technical Staff
              Domestic Trade Department, Ministry of Industry and Commerce
          2. Mr. PHOMSENGSAVANH Toulakham, Technical Officer
              Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion and Development Office
              Ministry of Industry and Commerce

          3. Ms. PHACHALEUN Monmany, Researcher
              Economic Research Institute for Trade, Ministry of Industry and Commerce

     + From Malaysia

          1. Ms. NORLINA Mat Haril, Manager of Information Technology Division
              SME Corporation Malaysia
          2. Mr. AHMAD KAMAL Mohamad, Assistant Director of Sectional Policy Division
              Ministry of International Trade and Industry

     + From Thailand

          1. Ms. TANTITEMIT Kulakarn, Economist
              Financial System and Financial Institutions Policy Bureau,
Fiscal Policy Office
              Ministry of Finance

          2. Ms. DAOWIENG Petmanee, Manager
SMEs Coordination & Service Department, Office of SMEs Promotion

     + From Viet Nam

          1. Mr. NGUYEN Khang Minh, Deputy Manager of Consulting Division
              Small and Medium Enterprises Development Support Center 2
              Directorate of Standards and Quality

          2. Ms. NGUYEN Hoa Thai Thuy, Deputy Manager of Training Division
Small and Medium Enterprises Development Support Center 2
              Directorate of Standards and Quality


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  ::  Photograph was a child
::  Preah Sihanouk Province
::  Kirirom Pleasant Place
::  Kirirom-Chambak
::  Siem Reap-Angkorwat
::  Kampong Chhnang Province
::  Learning on English at CSTC
::  MBA Graduation
::  Learning on SMEs in Thailand
::  Learning on E-Gov. at CSTC
::  Maroam mountain in Kampot
  ::  Udong Pleasant Place
  ::  Learning on SMEs in Japan 


Training Background
and Participants
  ::  Learning Printing in Malaysia
  ::  Learning LCT, Thailand  
  ::  Seminar on CIC in China  

    Education Background    
  ::  Master of Business Admin.
::  Bachelor of Arts in English
::  Bachelor of Computer Science

    Work Experiences    
  ::  19 July 2011 - Present
::  01 Nov 2006 - 19 July 2011
::  May - Oct 2006
::  Jan 2005 - Jan 2006
::  May 2004 - Jan 2005
::  Feb - May 2004
::  Jan 2001 - Jan 2004
::  Nov 2002 - Sep 2003
::  Mar - Sep 2003

    Training Courses    
  ::  Industrial Construction  
  ::  Life Cycle Thinking  
  ::  Printing Technology
::  Promotion of SMEs in ICT...
  ::  E-Government
  ::  SMEs Pro. & Industrial Estate...
::  Inter. English & Com. Skill
::  Export Competitive Strategies
::  Management & Leadership
::  English (Upper-Intermediate)

    Other Information    

Ministry of Industry, Mines & Energy

C a m b o d i a  T o u r i s m





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